Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Best Birthday Ever

Today's my birthday. (Yes, Happy Birthday to me.)

For some reason, though, I'm feeling especially blessed today─beyond just being the Birthday Girl. 

Recently, we had a streak of issues with the kids being overly disobedient and naughty. I was at my wits end trying to figure out what was going on. I felt this oppression over our home and family. I was tearing my hair out and literally went to my next door neighbor's house to throw a fit. (Better than wringing their necks, right?)

Finally, I found some ways of breaking the streak, and after praying over the kids, it started to lift. I felt like I had my children back!

Things have been on an upswing since then and I've been feeling encouraged. A couple of nights ago, though, something really breakthrough happened that made me feel even more encouraged. I sat down on the bed with the kids to do our nightly "devotion" time, and it turned into a time of confession and depth that I've never seen from my children.

My oldest began to weep and struggle with his words. He told me that something had been bothering him for some time, and he just needed to get it out. He confessed to me something that he had done over a year ago that had been on his mind lately. No sooner did he get that out than the other two started sharing ways that they had been disobedient or unkind in secret. (The study wasn't even about confession!) The Holy Spirit was really leading my young ones to share and be transparent! And God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness were being shown to them in a very real way!

I saw a whole different side of my children that night and since. I realized that I am beginning to see (in a small way) the fruit of my labors.

This morning, I woke up to breakfast in bed. All three of my beautiful children decided to get up early and with a concerted effort, make me a birthday feast. It was wonderful!! Eggs, toast, banana bread, and coffee!! What mother could ask for more? Then came another wonderful treat─a birthday poem written by the oldest. I didn't know he was such a creative writer!! (But now I do...muahaha.) They wanted to serve me and bless me. And what an awesome picture it was.

It is a tedious thing we do, sometimes with little reward and little appreciation. But, every once in a while, there are signs that tell us we're doing the right thing. I am thankful for those signs. Without them, I would surely have given up at times. I am also thankful for those people in my life that walked with me (as I threw my fits and pulled out my hair) and spoke truth into my heart. It is not for nothing. What we do is incredibly valuable.

My husband gave me these words of encouragement after I shared that I was amazed at the power of the Holy Spirit in our children's lives:
Not to blow up your head, but YOU have played an active role in this. With God's Spirit moving in your life, the decision you continually make is to teach them His ways. I am so thankful to have you as the mother of my children.
What a blessing that was to me. If we allow the Holy Spirit to move in us, then He will surely begin to move in our children as well. It is key that we train our children to hear His voice─to listen for it. Never underestimate their ability to understand and discern. They are young, but they are just as spiritual as we.

Blessings on your home,



Anonymous said...

that's GREAT Erin!!! Sounds like u are doing a great job! Praise God for the HOly Spirit, so we don't have to do it in our own strength.

Erin said...

It is ONLY by His strength! :) I am so thankful for HIM!!