Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Giant Funness

For a fun rainy day activity (or even when it's nice outside), check out this  
from Filth Wizardry. 
I can almost guarantee your kids will love it. I'm planning to make one soon myself!


Anonymous said...

ooooh! I just showed Jake and asked him if he could make it. Thinking that might be a weekend project! ;o)

Erin said...

Doesn't it look fun!? I love it! I know my kids would spend hours on that.

Anonymous said...

Have you made this yet?? We haven't yet but I keep coming back to look and remind myself. ha!

Erin said...

We did make it! I was at Menards for another random purchase and saw some pegboard. It reminded me of the project, so I went ahead and got the pieces for it. THE KIDS LOVE IT! Let me know if you have any questions about putting it together. Staples has a lot of good rubber bands to use.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm glad you made it.... we never think of it when we're in town so I'm now thinking we should run to Menards just for that after church today.

I'm reading the book "So You're Thinking About Homeschooling?" By Lisa Welchel.... dang do I love it already! Now if only I could convince Jake to read it. ;o)

Erin said...

Haven't read that one, but I might have to check it out when you're finished! Will be praying for Jake! :) Let me know how the project turns out when you get around to it!!