Friday, January 21, 2011

Life Moves too Fast

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted a new blog. Sorry, all you faithful readers! (I only have 11 followers, so it's not like I'm disappointing the masses, right?)

So, an update...

Life has been rolling along─two foster boys doing well, cat doing well, children doing well, marriage doing well, finances doing well (paid off two debts before the end of the year!), and home school doing better...ish.

I'm trying really hard to maintain a solid run at good, hard work on our schooling. It's been a challenge with all the runs downtown for visitation and other random happenings. I did order a new spelling curriculum that I hope will really blend well with other things we're doing.  All About Spelling

In other news, I've decided to resign from my position as a worship leader in our chapel. It was a tough decision, but one that will afford me a lot more time on the weekends. It seems strange to not be on a worship team anymore. It's so much a part of who I am that it almost leaves me feeling naked.

I'm hoping to jump back into my blog. I wanted to do that 52 week photo project, but my Canon Rebel Xti didn't agree with me. It won't even turn on. And there aren't any camera shops around. Maybe next time on that one.

So, with all of that out of the way, I leave you with some fun upcoming events:

North Dakota Home School Day at the Capitol is going to be held on February 3rd
~They're looking for home schooling families to reserve a table and come "show off" what they do on a daily basis. This gives our legislators a chance to see what the benefits of home schooling are.

North Dakota Christian Home Educators Conference will be held March 3-5


Things are happening in ND legislation. Get involved in what is coming up soon at our Capitol. We need supporters to help pass the most recent changes in legislation regarding home education!

Peace and Blessings!

1 comment:

Karin C. said...

I think more people read your blog than you know-just b/c only so many people subscribe doesn't mean more don't like reading it! I know my mom likes to read it and catch up on how you all are doing now that she's met you and loved you all! ;)