Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Homeschooling In the High School Years

I am entering the realm of high school grades, report cards, transcripts, entrance exams, and grade point averages. Daunting.

Typically, I would look to other homeschoolers to guide me or head to the convention and sit in on a quickie class about all this nonsense, but that's not really where I'm at right now. Money is tight and most of the homeschool friends I currently associate with aren't there yet.

So, I would like to pass on some valuable information and helpful links/downloads I have found to perhaps aid in your endeavors...whoever you are...just in case you're in the same boat I am.

First, is a helpful link to the HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association), which gives some good guidelines on how to work through choosing appropriate credits for your course work. You will also find some helpful navigation tabs that will show some other helpful topics to research, including transcripts, diplomas, etc.


Second, I wanted to pass on an AMAZING gradebook that is FREE! ( real...) It is so well put together, I kind of want to cry, because it's saving me so much time and effort that I get to type this long overdue update to my blog. Seriously, go download it, and grab your glass of wine and join me in my relaxing as I revel in my victory. They come so seldom, you know.

FREE GRADEBOOK by FiveJ's Homeschooling Resources YOU ROCK!

If you're just getting into the High School years, like I am, all of this can seem overwhelming. Especially if your curriculum doesn't provide grading scales or doesn't fit into the square box that public school curriculum does. Here is one more link to HSLDA's page "Homeschooling Thru High School." Cruise the selections and find some good stuff to keep you going. My favorite: Encouragement!

Also, from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine: Creating an Academic Transcript

Alright, if you have any other nuggets or treasures that would be helpful for current and future readers to snatch up, please share. I do love comments. They make me feel like I'm doing this for something more than just myself. Although, if it is just for me, that's fine. It's fun.

Hoping your home is blessed...


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